Oscilloscope toolbar

The Handyscope(s) opened by the Multi Channel oscilloscope software can be controlled in different ways. The most convenient way is to control the oscilloscopes and their channels by means of the toolbars, shown at the top of the main window.

Oscilloscopes can also be controlled by means of popup menus and many settings are also accessible through hotkeys.

This page describes the Oscilloscope toolbar. For configuring the channels, visit the page about the Channel toolbar.

Hardware instruments (Handyscopes) have settings that are divided into two groups: Oscilloscope settings, that affect all channels of the Handyscope and Channel settings, which only influence a specific channel.

Using the oscilloscope toolbar

An oscilloscope toolbar is created for each detected Handyscope or WiFiScope. This convenient toolbar has large, clear, touchscreen friendly buttons for all oscilloscope settings. It shows the current settings of the oscilloscope and allows to change all settings.

The oscilloscope toolbar is fully configurable through the program settings. You can set the button size, add or remove buttons and change the order of the buttons.

When only one instrument is detected and opened, there is one single oscilloscope toolbar:

Oscilloscope toolbar

When multiple instruments are detected and opened, each instrument gets its own oscilloscope toolbar and channel toolbars. To save screen space, these are tabbed. Clicking the tab of a specific instrument will show the oscilloscope toolbar of that instrument and will also show the channel toolbars of that instrument.

Oscilloscope toolbar tabbed

In the default setup, the oscilloscope toolbar contains the following items:

Instrument settings dialog

Settings dialog button
Opens the Instrument settings dialog, to change all instrument settings via a settings window.

Start/Stop button

Start button
The Start button is used to start continuous measurements.
Stop button
When the measurement is running, it will change into a Stop button to stop the running measurement.

Both actions can also be executed by hotkey S.

One shot button

OneShot button
When no measurement is running, the One shot button is enabled. It can be used start a single shot measurement (hotkey O).

When performing One shot measurements, it is recommended to switch the Trigger time-out to infinite (hotkey W).

Increase/decrease time/div

Two buttons are available to increase or decrease the time/div:

Decrease time/div
Decrease the time/div one step (hotkey Ctrl + F11).
Increase time/div
Increase the time/div one step (hotkey Ctrl + F12).

The steps that are taken are the time/div settings that are available in the time/div menu.

These buttons are particularly useful on touchscreens.


Time per div
The time/div readout shows the current time/div setting of the oscilloscope. Clicking the readout shows a popup menu with available time/div settings.

Sample frequency

Sample Frequency
The sample frequency readout shows the current sampling frequency. Clicking the readout shows a popup menu with available sample frequencies.

Record length

Record length
The record length readout shows the current record length. Clicking the readout shows a popup menu with available record lengths.

Increase/decrease pre samples percentage

The total record can be divided in a part before the trigger moment (pre trigger) and a part after the trigger moment (post trigger). The pre trigger part is set as percentage of the total record. Two buttons are available to increase or decrease the pre samples percentage:

Decrease pre samples
Decrease the pre samples percentage with 5% (hotkey Shift + )
Increase pre samples
Increase the pre samples percentage with 5% (hotkey Shift + )

These buttons are particularly useful on touchscreens.

Pre trigger percentage

Pre trigger
The pre samples percentage readout shows the current pre samples setting. Clicking the readout shows a popup menu with available pre samples percentages.

Trigger source

Trigger source
The trigger source readout shows the currently set trigger source. Clicking the readout shows a popup menu with available trigger sources.

Trigger settings

Trigger settings
The trigger settings button opens the trigger settings dialog, that allows to set all trigger related settings of the Handyscope.

SureConnect connection test window

SureConnect connection test window
When using a Handyscope that supports SureConnect connection test, this button will be available. Clicking it shows a connection status window with an indicator for each channel (hotkey C).

Additional buttons

Many more buttons and controls are available that can be placed on the instrument toolbar. Refer to the settings for more info.

Auto setup button

AutoSetup button
The Auto setup button can be used to let the software quickly change several oscilloscope settings, to acquire stable measurements.

Auto Setup dialog

Clicking the Auto setup button opens the Auto setup window. In this window is determined which instrument settings can be adjusted by the software to get to the most useful setup for the connected signal. These setting are derived from the default settings which can be set in the program settings. For this particular measurements these settings can be altered and if required, they can also be set as default.

The Auto setup mode determines how the Auto setup is executed:

  • One time the Auto setup is executed once, when the One time button is clicked.
  • Continuous the auto setup is executed continuously, to make the required adjustments when the input signal changes.
  • Off the Auto setup is switched off

Limit measurement time to max limits the maximum duration of a measurement that is setup by the auto setup function. The One time setting applies to a single Auto setup action, the Continuous setting applies to the continuous Auto setup mode. The setting avoids that the auto setup function will select a very slow setting when the signal is temporarily gone, e.g. when the probe is moved to another point.

Auto setup can also be activated by pressing the hotkey Q (quick auto setup). This activates the One time auto setup without showing the Auto setup window.

The hotkey Ctrl-Q activates the Continuous Auto setup without showing the Auto setup window. Pressing hotkey Q again switches Auto setup off again.

Measure mode button

The measure mode button can be used to switch between:

Measure mode button
the Handyscope is measuring in block mode
Measure mode button
the Handyscope is measuring in streaming mode

Switching the measure mode requires the Handyscope to be stopped measuring.

Increase/decrease sampling frequency

Two buttons are available to increase or decrease the sample frequency:

Decrease sample frequency
Decrease the sample frequency one step (hotkey F3).
Increase sample frequency
Increase the sample frequency one step (hotkey F4).

The steps that are taken are the sample frequencies that are available in the sample frequency menu of the oscilloscope. When a user defined sample frequency was selected, each subsequent click on one of these buttons will double or halve the sample frequency.

These buttons are particularly useful on touchscreens.

Increase/decrease record length

Two buttons are available to increase or decrease the record length:

Decrease record length
Decrease the record length one step (hotkey F11).
Increase record length
Increase the record length one step (hotkey F12).

The steps that are taken are the record lengths that are available in the record length menu of the oscilloscope. When a user defined record length was selected, each subsequent click on one of these buttons will double or half the record length.

These buttons are particularly useful on touchscreens.

Increase/decrease oscilloscope time resolution

Two buttons are available to increase or decrease the oscilloscope time resolution:

Decrease time resolution
Decrease the time resolution one step.
Increase time resolution
Increase the time/div one step.

An oscilloscope measurement has a record length and a sample frequency. This gives a total measuring time. With each subsequent click on one of these buttons, the record length and sample frequency are respectively halved or doubled. The total measuring time remains equal, but the time resolution will decrease or increase.

These buttons are particularly useful on touchscreens.

Instrument identification

Instrument ID
This item displays the instrument name as well as its serial number, which is a unique number in your Handyscope. By using the serial numbers as the instrument ID, it is clear which of the instruments you are controlling. Clicking the instrument ID will show a popup menu with all instrument settings.

Record length + Sample frequency + Resolution

In this item, information concerning the current sample frequency, record length and the resolution is shown. Settings can be adjusted through popup menus by clicking on the text labels.

Time base

Time base
The time base readout shows the current settings for the sample frequency and record length, that form the current time/div setting. Clicking the readout shows a popup menu that allows to set the sample frequency, the record length and the total measuring time.

Time out + Trigger source

Timeout + Trigger source
When using an Handyscope in a mode that supports triggering, the trigger time out and trigger source of the Handyscope are also shown. Settings can be adjusted through popup menus by clicking on the text labels.

Pre samples knob

Pre samples knob
The pre samples turning knob controls the pre and post samples ratio. By default, no pre samples are used and it is set to 0%. Dragging it up and down adjusts the knob, a hovering readout displays the current setting. Right clicking it shows a popup menu with predefined settings and a user defined setting.


The resolution readout shows the current resolution. Clicking the readout shows a popup menu with available resolutions.

Increase/decrease resolution

Two buttons are available to increase or decrease the resolution:

Decrease resolution
Decrease the resolution one step.
Increase resolution
Increase the resolution one step.

The steps that are taken are the resolutions that are available in the resolution menu of the oscilloscope.

These buttons are particularly useful on touchscreens.

Trigger now!

Trigger Now!
Force the oscilloscope to trigger now (hotkey space bar).

Predefined trigger time out settings

Three buttons are available to set the trigger time out:

Trigger time out 0
Set the trigger time out to zero (hotkey 0)
Trigger time out 1
Set the trigger time out to 1 second (hotkey 1)
Trigger time out infinite
Set the trigger time out to infinite (hotkey W)

Real-time SureConnect connection test

Real-time SureConnect connection test
When using a Handyscope that supports SureConnect connection test, this button will be available. Clicking it enables the real-time connection test while measuring. The connection status will be shown via an indicator that can be placed on the channel toolbar.